Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day Ten: The Mystery of Canceled Class

(the following best appreciated if read in Vincent Price's voice)

Charity Kaufmann was not your ordinary hero. She was not descended of a god, nor was she blessed with many superpowers (or was she...). Still, this never stopped her from seeking adventure, and she went out one day in search of the biggest legend of America: Bigfoot.

After climbing the M to get a better view of the world, she decided to start looking in Butte. She searched the town thorougly, examing every room of every building, and when she finished ten minutes later, she decided to look in the mine ruins. To get there, she had to cross the most deadly ocean of all: The Pit.

As all Montanans know, The Pit is a massive lake made of acid, oil, refuse and other various nasty things that will kill anything that gets within ten feet of the liquid. Charity tried to make a rope bridge across, but the vapor rising from The Pit was too strong, and the ropes broke quickly. Thinking hard, she decided to stack several dozen boats on top of each other and fasten them with duct tape. As she sailed across The Pit, the boats dissolved in sequence, and she reached the opposite side just as the last boat dissolved into the water. (Luckily, not even sea monsters can survive in The Pit, so her journey was otherwise undaunted.)

Now on the other side, Charity walked into the woods and started looking for footprints when suddenly she saw . . .

Tune in to class Friday to hear what happens next!

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